The United States and an Evolving Europe: Transatlantic Ties 2021-2022

With federal elections in Germany in September 2021 and presidential elections in France in May 2022, the European political landscape is evolving just as the Biden Administration is seeking to rebuild and revitalize the transatlantic relationship. The transatlantic agenda is vast, including issues of common interest such as climate change, cybersecurity, defense, and trade. However,…

The 2022 Global Economic Outlook

Despite continued recovery from the pandemic in 2021, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank forecast that output in 2022 will be far below pre-pandemic projections. Moreover, the recovery has been very uneven, largely reflecting strong rebounds in certain major economies. Whereas in many developing economies, poverty rates have risen, and debt levels are high. As…

The Indo-Pacific “Quad:” Key Concepts and Prospects for the Region

    The quadrilateral coalition of India, Australia, Japan, and the United States, often dubbed “The Quad” of the Indo-Pacific region, met at the White House in September 2021 for their first in-person discussions. Brookings Institution India Project Director, Dr. Tanvi Madan will join CCWA in February to discuss the purpose and prospects of this…

Art and International Cooperation: The Bridges that Cleveland Helps Build

In a world where conflicts most often make our news headlines, the connections that art can create across countries and cultures are perhaps more vital than ever. These connections are multifaceted: sometimes art creates space for unique international partnerships to flourish, sometimes music transcends conflict in ways than no diplomatic effort could, and sometimes art…

How to Prepare for Climate Change with David Pogue

With climate change leading the agenda for many world leaders and yet trailing in global cooperation to manage its effects, David Pogue brings the case that individuals all around the world must begin to adjust their daily lives to prepare for inevitable instability. Join Cleveland native, six-time Emmy winner for CBS Sunday Morning, and New…

2022 Global Impact Award Event

The 2022 Global Impact Award honors the National Geographic Society for raising awareness of global trends and helping protect our world through science, exploration and education, and inspiring audiences to join as changemakers. Dr. Jill Tiefenthaler, Chief Executive Officer, will accept the award and deliver the Brooks Emeny Distinguished Lecture. We will also be recognizing…

From Russia to Rustbelts: Witness to Democratic Fragility with Fiona Hill

New Location! Please join us at The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Auditorium: 1375 E 9th St. Cleveland, OH 44114.  Since her testimony in the 2019 presidential impeachment hearings, Fiona Hill is sounding the alarm on the conditions that lead to populism and democratic decline the world over in her book There Is Nothing for You…

Working Internationally: Global Competency for Business

Join the Cleveland Council on world Affairs for a workshop to develop skills for working in a global business environment WHO Those who work on a global team, interact with international clients or partners, and are interested in working more effectively with people from other cultures. WHAT Learning outcomes from the workshop include: Gain strategies…

Can the U.S. Reset the Agenda with Latin America?

The Summit of the Americas, hosted in San Diego in June, brought about tense interactions between the U.S. and our hemispheric neighbors to the south. Debate about the guestlist, threats of boycott, and challenges to the agenda were just a few of the reasons many felt the gathering did not accomplish as much as it…

Prosperity and Peace: A Hopeful Future for the Abraham Accords

Significant moves in both diplomatic and economic relationships are already bearing fruit after the historic signing in September 2020 of the Abraham Accords to jointly normalize relations between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. In the two years since the first signing, four additional Arab countries have signed on to the Accords. Moreover, other…

Denuclearizing the Peninsula? Strategic Outlook for the U.S. and South Korea

The Republic of Korea has been a strategic U.S. military and economic ally since the 1950s. With regional tensions with China at an all-time high, a new Korean President since May, and global trade experiencing massive disruption, what does the future of the strategic U.S.-Korea relationship look like? And how might they jointly, or multilaterally,…

Spotlight on the Environment: Debriefing COP27 and the Global Water Crisis

The United Nations Climate Conference (COP27 ) held in Sharm el-Sheik in November 2022 resulted in a landmark agreement to develop a dedicated fund to assist developing countries in responding to loss and damage that may result from climate change. A delegation of Cleveland leaders traveled to Egypt to participate in the conference and witness…