Creative Economy and Entrepreneurship Incubators

After facing economic hardship with the decline of its traditional steel making and manufacturing industries, Cleveland today has transformed itself into a hub for entrepreneurship. As a result, a group of Indonesian entrepreneurs and business leaders will travel to Cleveland to learn about small business development and innovative economic practices. Visitors will explore sites like…

Managing Start-Up Incubators for Growth

Through this project, Pakistani visitors will explore start-ups and business incubation in the U.S. and the involvement of both the private and public sectors. Small business in Northeast Ohio is tightly entwined with job creation and empowerment of entrepreneurs. Cleveland's local community start-up culture will be examined through visits with Flashstarts, ECDI, the Health-Tech Corridors, and…

New Economic Map for the Korean Peninsula

South Korean policy advisors involved in formulating the Moon Jae-in administration's "New Economic Map for the Korean Peninsula" will visit the U.S. to examine a wide range of government agencies, non-government organizations, think tanks, and important interest groups dealing with foreign, security, and economic policies. Participants will explore economic policies and development models that promote…

Global Economic Cooperation

As the world economy continues to grow, local businesses and economies have the opportunity to connect with the larger global market. In this Multi-Regional Project, visitors from the Colombia, Egypt, Mozambique, China, Portugal, and Sri Lanka will be traveling to Cleveland to learn more about how this “Rust Belt” city has diversified its economy both…

Entrepreneurship as the Engine of Prosperity and Stability

Visitors from 16 countries throughout Africa will travel to Northeast Ohio to observe the effectiveness of the business sector in creating jobs and alleviating global poverty. This project will examine the regulatory systems that allow entrepreneurs to flourish while identifying policies that may discourage such enterprises. Visitors will get to explore various business models, support…

The 2022 Global Economic Outlook

Despite continued recovery from the pandemic in 2021, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank forecast that output in 2022 will be far below pre-pandemic projections. Moreover, the recovery has been very uneven, largely reflecting strong rebounds in certain major economies. Whereas in many developing economies, poverty rates have risen, and debt levels are high. As…