March 24, 2019
Visitors from 16 countries throughout Africa will travel to Northeast Ohio to observe the effectiveness of the business sector in creating jobs and alleviating global poverty. This project will examine the regulatory systems that allow entrepreneurs to flourish while identifying policies that may discourage such enterprises. Visitors will get to explore various business models, support mechanisms, and innovations such as micro-lending and micro-level marketing. Discussions will also highlight numerous societal barriers faced by entrepreneurs, and the strategies and programs that help overcome these very same restrictions.
International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)
Each year, over 300 professionals from around the world visit Northeast Ohio through IVLP. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, these visitors have been identified by U.S. embassies as emerging leaders in their fields. Over 50 Nobel Laureates and 335 current or former Chiefs of State or Heads of Government are alumni of this program.
By connecting with foreign leaders, we strengthen Northeast Ohio’s commercial, cultural, and educational ties with the rest of the world. For more information, contact Katie Ferman, Program Officer, at kferman@ccwa.ccwa.org or click here. To get involved as a Citizen Diplomat, click here.