2024 Global Impact Award Event

2024 GLOBAL IMPACT AWARD EVENT Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower The Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ 2024 Global Impact Award event will celebrate…

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2022 Global Impact Award Event

The 2022 Global Impact Award honors the National Geographic Society for raising awareness of global trends and helping protect our world through science, exploration and education, and inspiring audiences to…

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2021 Global Impact Award Event

The 2021 Global Impact Award honors Dr. Robert M. Gates, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, for his distinguished career in national security. Dr. Gates will receive CCWA’s Global Impact Award…

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2019 Global Impact Award

The 2019 Global Impact Award honors Dr. Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, for his distinguished career as one of the most knowledgeable observers of international…

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2018 Global Impact Award Event

CCWA’s 2018 Global Impact Award honors Senator George J. Mitchell  for his distinguished career as a peacemaker. Senator Mitchell will receive CCWA’s Global Impact Award and will deliver the Brooks…

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