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2019 Global Impact Award

October 02, 2019

The 2019 Global Impact Award honors Dr. Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, for his distinguished career as one of the most knowledgeable observers of international affairs in America. Dr. Haass will receive CCWA’s Global Impact Award and deliver the Brooks Emeny Distinguished Lecture.

At this year’s event, the Cleveland Council on World Affairs will also recognize Mr. Richard Pogue, Senior Advisor at Jones Day, Chairman of the Global Impact Award Event and Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ Board Member, for his 60 years of membership in the Council and his commitment to our mission and work in the community.

CCWA’s signature event will be held on October 2, 2019, at the InterContinental Hotel Cleveland

5:30 pm Private Reception with Richard Haass (For Sponsors at the $5,000 and above level, and Impact Ticket holders)
5:30 pm Cocktail Reception for All Guests
6:30 pm Program and Dinner

Proceeds from this event support the Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ educational programs.

Registration for this event has closed. 

For more information, please contact Jenni Carney at (216) 255-9005 or jcarney@ccwa.ccwa.org.

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor The Cleveland Foundation:


Thank you to all our sponsors!

Ambassador Sponsors
Hitachi Heatltcare Americas
Kulas Foundation

Diplomat Sponsors
Cleveland State University and the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Haslam 3 Foundation
Oberlin College
Richard W. Pogue
Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner Family Foundation
The Siddiq Wealth Management Group at Merrill
P. Kelly Tompkins
University Hospitals

Attaché Sponsors
Citizens Bank
Cleveland Clinic International Operations and Global Patient Services
Case Western Reserve University
Howard B. Edelstein
Falls Communications
Char and Chuck Fowler
Gries Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Goodrich
Jones Day
Dr. and Mrs. Wael Khoury
Mandel Family Foundation
McDonald Hopkins


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For a century, the CCWA has brought diverse perspectives on issues of international import to Cleveland. Much of our programming is made possible by the the support of our members and the generosity of our donors. Will you help us continue to create global connections?
