After-School Programming in STEAM

Six librarians and educators from Egypt will be in the U.S. to explore out-of-school learning environments and the most modern educational and instructional techniques that accelerate student learning in STEAM subjects. A program in Cleveland will focus on curriculum development and methodology and integrating youth services into schools and public libraries. International Visitor Leadership (IVLP)…

Empowering Minority Groups

Four visitors from Moldova will be in the U.S. to explore initiatives to promote and protect human rights; learn about political perspectives on current and pending efforts to ensure minority rights; examine efforts to protect minority youth; and be introduced to programs that promote civic responsibility and assist minority citizens in marginalized communities. International Visitor…

Youth Outreach: Conflict Resolution & Empowerment

Visitors from France will discuss the best methods of engaging youth in community organizations and grassroots advocacy groups that foster youth leadership skills and engage young people through education, economic opportunity and civic participation. This program will focus on empowering local youth, discussion of social/ethnic diversity in schools, and understanding youth identity/individualism. International Visitor Leadership (IVLP)…

Promoting Peace and Tolerance Among Educated Youth

This project for Pakistan will connect visitors to Cleveland resources that will highlight the role of universities in either peace, tolerance, and messaging around anti-radicalization, intolerance, and extremism.  Visitors will meet with government, academic, faith-based, and secular organizations to discuss their role in combating violent extremism especially for vulnerable populations. International Visitor Leadership (IVLP) Program…

Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis

Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are at the near center of the nation-wide crisis (Cuyahoga County alone has seen a 1,000 percent increase in opioid deaths since 2007). In this Multi-Regional Project, visitors from Afghanistan, Cyprus, Morocco, Seychelles, China, and Russia will visit Cleveland to address the current opioid abuse crisis, health promotion strategies, demand reduction…

Volunteerism and Civic Action

International visitors from Bahrain, Barbados, Israel, Malaysia, Nepal, Poland, Tunisia and Vietnam will travel to Cleveland to examine the impact of volunteerism in the U.S. and the role that social media plays in the volunteer efforts. Visitors will engage with several volunteer-based organizations addressing the  needs for underserved groups, homelessness, and youth outreach. Visitors will…

Addressing the Needs of Underserved and At-Risk Youth

CCWA will host visitors representing nine countries from throughout Latin America here to examine primary prevention programs for at-risk youth and family support strategies. While Cleveland youth face a number of health disparities, poverty, and violence, visitors will meet with emerging leaders and educators who are creating positive change among at-risk youth. Meetings and program…

Jóvenes en Acción – Mexico Youth Virtual Program

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is seeking internationally-minded families to virtually welcome one or two high-achieving high school students from Mexico! Students will engage in programming focused on Mayan and English language learning, tech education, financial literacy, and empowering tomorrow’s leaders. The students are participating in the Jóvenes en Acción ("Youth in Action") exchange…