May 05, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted life across the globe, profoundly affecting supply chains, healthcare, and the economy. It’s also exposed the harsh realities of racial, ethnic, economic, political, and health disparities the effects of which many countries have tried to minimize or ignore for decades.
Now, as the pandemic slows before a probable second wave, global leaders and governments are weighing options and contemplating decisions that will define history and shape the world for years to come. What kind of world can we expect post-crisis? Will authoritarian regimes thrive or fail? What will become of the many conflicts in the Middle East? Perhaps, more importantly, what kind of world should we envision and work towards?
Dr. Marshall and Dr. Hazburn serve on the Editorial Committee of Middle East Report, a quarterly publication that, since 1971, has provided critical, alternative reporting and analysis on the Middle East and American foreign policy. The forthcoming issue of the Middle East Report offers new visions and prescriptions for a progressive American foreign policy.
The livestream will be available at cityclub.org at 7:30 p.m.
Waleed Hazbun, Ph.D.
Richard L. Chambers Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Political Science, The University of Alabama
Shana Marshall, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Institute for Middle East Studies, Elliot School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
Milena Sterio, J.D.
Professor of Law & Associate Dean for Academic Enrichment, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Tony Ganzer
Host/Producer, WCPN