June 17, 2021
Join us for our virtual 2021 Annual Meeting to celebrate our accomplishments from the past year! Our Annual Meeting will feature a report from Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ staff on our key program results, notable events, and our work as a team. As part of this celebration, we will highlight our international exchange work, which was particularly affected by the covid-19 pandemic and carried on nonetheless virtually. To talk about the importance of international exchanges, we will welcome a special guest speaker, Dr. Katherine Brown, President & CEO of Global Ties U.S., which is the country’s largest and oldest citizen diplomacy network and a key partner for CCWA. We hope to virtually “see” you there!
Katherine Brown, Ph.D., is the President & CEO of Global Ties U.S., the largest and oldest citizen diplomacy network in the United States. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies. Katherine previously served in the U.S. government as an assistant to the National Security Advisor at the White House; as a communications advisor at the American Embassy in Kabul; and as a Professional Staff Member at the Committee on Foreign Affairs at the U.S. House of Representatives.
Admission: This is a free event but registration is required.