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Academic WorldQuest 2023 at Cleveland State University

February 23, 2023

Event begins at 4:30pm

Academic WorldQuest is a national competition in which teams of high school students test their knowledge about international affairs, U.S. foreign policy, and current events.

Teams compete over 10 rounds of trivia during this fun and competitive event. The winning team will have the option to participate in the national conference April 28-29, 2023 to represent Cleveland. Our Competition will be held on February 23rd in the Fenn Tower Ballroom at Cleveland State University.

Who Can Play?

Teams consist of 4 high school students from the same school with an optional alternate.  Schools may register more than one team.  There is a registration fee of $40 per team.

2023 Academic WorldQuest Topics Include:

1. Securing the Future of the World’s Wildlife
2. The Arctic Council: Frozen Cooperation
3. Atrocity Prevention and Accountability
4. Combating Global Food Insecurity
5. Economic Sanctions – A Double-Edged Sword
6. Great Decisions
7. Country in Focus: Ethiopia
8. The Future of Supply Chains
9. Battle of the Century: Autocracy vs. Democracy
10. Current Events

A study guide is also provided to help teams prepare for the competition! Click here to access the Study Guide.

Registration and Questions

To register for CCWA’s Seventh Annual Academic WorldQuest Competition, click HERE.



Schools may register more than one team. There is a registration fee of $40 per team.



Fenn Tower

1983 E 24th St, Cleveland, OH 44115


Contribute to Global Connections


For a century, the CCWA has brought diverse perspectives on issues of international import to Cleveland. Much of our programming is made possible by the the support of our members and the generosity of our donors. Will you help us continue to create global connections?
